Romel Cabrera-Silva
Ph.D. Student
MS environmental engineering,
National Polytechnic School, Quito, Ecuador
Email: romel.cabrera-silva@mu.edu
Romel is a PhD student in the Marquette University Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering. As part of Dr. Zitomer’s research group, Romel’s research focuses on anaerobic digestion modeling and the relationship of microbial diversity and performance on anaerobic treatment systems.
His previous work has included operation and processes control of water treatment plants and technical assistance for small and rural drinking water and wastewater treatment plants in Ecuador.
Romel received his MSC in environmental engineering from the National Polytechnic School (EPN) in Quito, Ecuador. Afterwards, he was awarded an ALFA Project scholarship from the European Commission for training and research on Environmental Biotechnology at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. During his year-long stay, he worked on nitrification-denitrification systems and reuse of biologically treated industrial wastewater.