SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2013) Zitomer, D. H., “Myths and Misconceptions of Digesters,” Midwest Manure Summit, University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension, Green Bay, WI, February 27.
(2010) Zitomer, D. H., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion for Increased Renewable Energy,” Central States Water Environment Association, 15th Annual Education Seminar, Madison, WI, April 6.
(2009) Zitomer, D. H., “Bioaugmentation for Improved Biotechnology,” Civil Engineering Alumni Lecture, Drexel University, May 7th.
(2006) Zitomer, D. H., “Temperature-Phased Anaerobic Digestion,” Environmental Program Seminar Series, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, February 24.
(2006) Zitomer, D. H., “Service Learning and Engineers without Borders,” Washington University Chapter of Engineers without Borders, St. Louis, MO, February 23.
(2005) Zitomer, D. H., “Reflecting on Social Justice Through International Service,” Human Rights Faculty Lecture Series as part of Human Dignity: Human Rights: A Call to Service campus events, September 28.
(2005) Mutch, N., Witmer, A., Zitomer, D., and Kraszewski, J., “Bringing Safe Water Supplies to Developing Countries,” Wisconsin Water Association 84th. Annual meeting and Water Utility Expo, La Crosse, WI, September 14th.
(2005) Zitomer, D., “Municipal Anaerobic Digesters as Regional Renewable Energy Facilities,” Biocycle 5th. Annual Conference on Renewable Energy from Organics Recycling, Madison, WI, September 12th.
(2004) Olson, L., Zitomer, D., and Schuh, M. , "Biomedical Engineering International Service Learning in Latin America" Biomedical Engineering Society Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, October 14, 2004.
(2003) “International Engineering Service Learning,” Milwaukee Chapter, Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society, April 15.
(2002) “Engineered Microbial Processes Waste Treatment,” Marquette Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, Annual Minisymposium, Milwaukee, WI, February 20.
(2001) “Activated Sludge Process and Microbiology,” SEMCO Laboratories, Inc., Milwaukee, WI, September 21.
(2001) “Laboratory Assay of Industrial Waste for Anaerobic Biotreatment,” University of Central America, Department of Chemical Engineering, San Salvador, El Salvador, June 28.
(2000) “Water and Wastewater Treatment in Milwaukee, Wisconsin,” University of Central America Program in Environmental Management, San Salvador, El Salvador, October 27.
(2000) “Anaerobic Digestion of Glycol Wastewater,” University of Central America, Chemical Engineering Program, San Salvador, El Salvador, October 30.
(2000) “Benefits of Limited Aeration of Methane-Producing Bioreactors,” Engineering Foundation 30th. Annual Conference of Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry, Durango, Colorado, March 5-9.
(1999) “Current Treatment Technologies Research: Anaerobic Digestion of Aircraft Deicing Fluid,” presented at the Federation of Environmental Technologists Industrial Wastewater Conference, Milwaukee, WI, October 7.
(1994) "Reductive Dechlorination of Chloroform and Release of Methanethiol in Anaerobic Processes," With R. E. Speece, Imperial College, London, England, December.
(1994) "Reductive Dechlorination of Chloroform and Release of Methanethiol in Anaerobic Processes," University College, Galway, Ireland, December.