SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2017) Hughes, M., Liu, Z., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids – a key Energy Enhancement Component of Biochar Enhanced Solids Treatment (BEST) Process,” Borchardt Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb. 21-22.
(2016) Mathai, P. P., Brown, C. M., Zitomer, D. H., Maki, J. S. and Sadowski, M. J. “Identification of Microbial Communities Indicative of Process Imbalance in Methanogenic Reactors,” 16th. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, International Society for Microbial Ecology, August 21-26, Montreal, Canada.
(2014) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P. “Role of Triclocarban and Triclosan on functional health and proliferation of antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digestion,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 27 – October 1.
(2014) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “Role of Triclocarban and Triclosan on Functional Health and Proliferation of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Anaerobic Digestion,” 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, August 10-14.
(2014) Liu, Z., Carey, D., Koch, J., McNamara, P., Zitomer, D., “Demonstration Scale Production of Nutrient-Enhanced Biochar via Biosolids Pyrolysis,” Midwest Biochar Conference, Urbana IL, August 8.
(2014) Hoffman, T., Zitomer, D., and McNamara, P. “Removal of Environmental Estrogenic Micropollutants from Wastewater Solids,” Borchardt Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Feb 25-26.
(2014) Ross, J., Zitomer, D., and McNamara, P., “Fate of Micropollutants During Pyrolysis of Biosolids,” 2014 Borchardt Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Feb 25-26.
(2014) Berg, K., McNamara, P., and Zitomer, D. “Pyrolysis of a Combined Waste Stream for Energy Recovery and Solids Reduction,” 2014 Borchardt Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Feb 25-26.
(2014) Mathai, P. P., Venkiteshwaran, K., Bocher, B. T., Zitomer, D. H., and Maki, J. S. “Quantitative Significance of Syntrophic Propionate Degrading Bacteria in Anaerobic Digestion Processes,” 114th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Boston, MA
(2013) Hoffman, T., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “Removal of Environmental Estrogenic Micropollutants from Wastewater Solids,” Forward Thinking Poster Session and Colloquy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, December 3.
(2013) Ross, J., Zitomer, D., and McNamara, P., “Fate of Micropollutants During Pyrolysis of Biosolids,” Forward Thinking Poster Session and Colloquy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, December 3.
(2013) Carey, D., McNamara, P., Zitomer, D., “Biochar From Anaerobically Digested Biosolids as an Adsorbent for Ammonium,” International Water Association (IWA) 13th World Congress of Anaerobic Digestion, Santiago De Compostella, Spain, June 25-28.
(2012) Bhattad, U. H., Cherukuri, K., Mathai, P., Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., Zitomer, D. H., and Maki, J. S., “Tolerance of Methanogens to Heat (104°C) Desiccation in Air,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, CA., June 16-19.
(2012) Bocher, B. T. W., and Zitomer, D. H., “Optimized Microbial Community Structure in Anaerobic Digesters Increases Bioenergy Generation,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, CA., June 16-19.
(2012) Navaratnam, N., Morris, R. L., Maki, J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Changes in Microbial Community and Increased Biomethane Production rate from Anaerobic Digestion of Various Waste Blends,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, CA., June 16-19.
(2011) Bhattad, U. H., Schauer-Giminez, A. E., Zitomer, D. H., Morris, R. L., Maki, J. S., and Struble, C. A., “Bioaugmentation of Active Anaerobic Biomass and Its Preservation for Future Applications", in proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) Conference on Microbes in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Bioremediation and Energy Production, Goa, India, January 24-26, 3 pp.
(2010) Morris, R. L., Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., Bhattad, U., Zitomer, D. H., and Maki, J. S., “Monitoring Methanogen Communities in Anaerobic Digesters Using Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of mcrA,” International Society for Microbial Ecology 13th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Seattle, WA, USA, August 22 – 27.
(2010) Bhattad, U. H., Schauer-Gimenez, Zitomer, D, Maki, J. S., and Struble, C., “Feasibility of Freeze-Drying Beneficial Anaerobic Methanogenic Cultures in Air ,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 110th General Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 23-27.
(2010) Tale, V.P, Zitomer, D. H., Maki, J. S., and Struble, C., “Bioaugmenting with a Propionate-Acclimated Culture Helps Restore the Archaeal Community of an Anaerobic Digester, presented at American Society for Microbiology, 110th General Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 23-27. (One of 40 posters selected for the Outstanding Student Poster Session)
(2010) Morris, R. L, Schauer-Gimenez, A., Bhattad, U., Boyle, J., Struble C., Zitomer, D., and Maki, J.S., “Comparison of Methyl Coenzyme M Reductase gene and mRNA Diversity in Anaerobic Digesters,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 110th General Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 23-27.
(2009) Morris, R. L., Schauer-Gimenez, A., Boyle, J., Struble, C., Zitomer, D., and Maki, J. S., “Different Conditions Cause Shifts in Methanogen Community and Methane Production Rates in Digesters,” presented at American Society for Microbiology, 109th General Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, May 17-21.