SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2017) Liu, Z., Singer, S., Zitomer, D. and McNamara, P., “Can Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids be Energy Neutral and Generate Value-Added Products?,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Seattle, WA, April 8-11, 5 pages.
(2016) Liu, Z., McNamara, M., and Zitomer, D., “Biochar Production and Bio-Oil Upgrading by Synergistic Catalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids and Industrial Waste,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), New Orleans, LA, Sept. 24-28, 7 pages.
(2016) Venkiteshwaran, K., Milferstedt, K., Hamelin, J., and Zitomer, D., “Bioaugmentation of Anaerobic Digesters for Increased Methane Production,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC), New Orleans, LA, Sept. 24-28, 3 pages.
(2016) Benn, N., Morse, M., Schauer-Gimenez, A., and Zitomer, D., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Bioplastics,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6, 7 pages.
(2016) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “Consumer Product Antimicrobials Select for Antibiotic Resistance in Anaerobic Digesters,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6.
(2016) Liu, Z, McNamara, P., Zitomer, D., “Product Upgrading During Biosolids Pyrolysis by Using a Low-Cost Natural Catalyst,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6, 7 pages.
(2016) Venkiteshwaran, K., Johnson, M., and Zitomer, D., “Methane Production can be Predicted From Anaerobic Digester Microbial Community Structure,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Milwaukee, WI, April 4-6, 5 pages.
(2015) Seib, M., Berg, K., Merry, A., Trickle, G., and Zitomer, D., “Does Municipal Wastewater Anaerobic Biotechnology Really take less Energy than Activated Sludge?,” in proceedings of 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, November 15-18, Vina del Mar, Chile, International Water Association, electronic, 5 pages. (
2015) Venkiteshwaran, K., and Zitomer, D., “Anaerobic Digester Bioaugmentation: Does it work and does it last?,” in proceedings of 14th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, November 15-18, Vina del Mar, Chile, International Water Association, electronic, 5 pages.
(2015) Bartáček, J., Novotny, V. and Zitomer, D., Recovery of Energy from Municipal Used Water, Proceedings of Water and Energy 2015: Opportunities for Energy and Resource Recovery in the Changing World, Washington, D.C., June 8-10.
(2014) McNamara, P., Koch, J., Zitomer, D., “Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids: Lab-Scale Experiments and Modeling,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation. Presented at Residuals and Biosolids Conference, Austin, TX, May 18-21.
(2013) Carey, D.E., McNamara, P.J., Zitomer, D.H., “Biosolid Derived Biochar to Immobilize and Recycle Ammonium From Wastewater for Agronomy.” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation. Presented at Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, IL, Oct. 7-10.
(2013) Carey, D., Armstrong, A., Rockman, A. McNamara, P., Ebeling, A., and Zitomer, D., “Biosolid Derived Biochar to Immobilize and Recycle Ammonium from Wastewater for Agronomy” in Proceedings of Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC), October 5-9, Chicago, IL electronic, 22 pages.
(2013) Kusowski, J., Graziano, S., Desing, W., Whitlock, D., Sigmund, T., and Zitomer, D., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion Planning and Research for NEW Water (Green Bay, WI),” in Proceedings of Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC), October 5-9, Chicago, IL electronic, 14 pages.
(2013) Bocher, B., and Zitomer, D., “Relating Methanogen Community Structure and Anaerobic Digester Function,” in Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, June 25-28, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, International Water Association, electronic, 4 pages.
(2013) Venkiteshwaran, K., Bocher, B., and Zitomer, D., “Predicting Bioaugmentation Outcome Based on SMA Screening and Methanogen Community Structure,” in Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, June 25-28, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, International Water Association, electronic, 5 pages.
(2013) Carey, D. E., McNamara, P. J., and Zitomer, D., “Biochar from Anaerobically Digested Biosolids as an Adsorbent for Ammonium and Phosphate,” in Proceedings of 13th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, June 25-28, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, International Water Association, electronic, 5 pages.
(2012) Bhattad, U. H., Cherukuri, K., Maki, J. S., and Zitomer, D. H., “A Novel Approach of Preserved, Dried Methanogenic Biomass for Bioaugmentation and Standard Laboratory Applications,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2012), New Orleans, LA, 11 pp.
(2012) Bocher, B., and Zitomer, D., “Little Bugs Matter Big Time: How Staged Anaerobic Digestion Increases Methanogenic Activity and Alters Microbial Community,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2012), New Orleans, LA, 18 pp.
(2012) Venkiteshwaran, K., Seib, M., Bocher, B., and Zitomer, D., “Bioaugmentation Can Increase Steady-State Methane Production and COD Reduction in Anaerobic Digesters,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2012), New Orleans, LA, 13 pp.
(2012) Navaratnam, N., Topczewski, P., Maki, J., and Zitomer, D., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion Changes Microbial Community and Synergistically Increases Biogas Production in Municipal Digesters,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2012), New Orleans, LA, 20 pp.
(2010) Bocher, B., and Zitomer, D. H., “Staged Anaerobic Digestion as a Means to Increase Specific Methanogenic Activity,” in Proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) 12th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 31st – November 4th., 5 pp.
(2010) Tale, V. P., Maki, J. S., Struble, C. A., and Zitomer, D. H. “Bioaugmentation Can Improve Anaerobic Digester Performance after Organic Overload,” in Proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) 12th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 31st – November 4th, 5 pp.
(2010) Navaneethan, N., Topczewski, P., Royer, S., and Zitomer, D. “Blending Anaerobic Co-Digestates: Synergism and Economics,” in Proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) 12th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 31st – November 4th, 5 pp.
(2010) Bhattad, U. H., Maki, J. S., Struble, C. A., Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., and Zitomer, D. H., “ Culture Conditions and Cryoprotectant Addition Influences Methanogenic Activity After Freeze-Drying in Air,” in Proceedings of International Water Association (IWA) 12th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 31st – November 4th , 5 pp.
(2010) Navaneethan, N., Topczewski, P., Royer, S., and Zitomer, D. “Anaerobic Co-Digestion for Increased Renewable Energy,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2010), New Orleans, LA, 15 pp.
(2010) Tale, V. P., and Zitomer D. H., “Bioaugmentation for Anaerobic Digester Recovery After Organic Overload,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2010), New Orleans, LA, 14 pp.
(2009) Schauer-Gimenez, A., Maki, J.S., Struble, C.A., and Zitomer, D.H. “Bioaugmentation with Hydrogen-Utilizers for Anaerobic Digester Recovery,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference (WEFTEC 2009), Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL, October 10-14, 2009: 632-640.
(2004) Zitomer, D., Lynch, D., Kemp, J., and Kade, F. “Thermophilic-Mesophilic Digestion: Occurrence and Prevention of High VFAs,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exposition and Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 6th , 4 pp.
(2004) Zitomer, D. H., Bachman, T. C., and Vogel, D. S., “Thermophilic Digestion with Ultrafiltration for Solids Stabilization,” 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, International Water Association, Montreal, Canada, August 29-September 2nd, 4 pp.
(2004) Zitomer, D. H., Kemp, J., and Kade, F., “Occurrence and Prevention of High VFAs in Temperature-Phased Digestion,” 10th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Montreal, International Water Association, Canada, August 29-September 2nd, 4 pp.
(2003) Zitomer, D. H., and P. Johnson, “International Service Learning in Environmental Engineering,” in Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers 2003 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, June 22-23, 2003, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pp. 124-129.
(2001) Zitomer, D. H., Dineen, D. D., and Schilling, J., “Full-Scale Co-Digestion of Aircraft Deicer Runoff and Municipal Sludge,” in Proceedings of International Association on Water Quality (IWQ) 9th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2 – 6, pp. 191-194.
(2001) Zitomer, D. H., and Ubay, G., “Anaerobic Digestion Kinetics of Propylene Glycol Aircraft Deicing Fluid,” in Proceedings of International Association on Water Quality (IWQ) 9th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2 – 6, pp. 173 – 176.
(2001) Guven, E., Bachman, T., Upendrakumar, K. C., and Zitomer, D., “Soft Drink Wastewater Treatment by Anaerobic Contact Sequencing Batch Reactor,” in Proceedings of International Association on Water Quality (IWQ) 9th. World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, Antwerp, Belgium, September 2 – 6, pp. 269 – 272.
(2000) Zitomer, D. H., McGrady, K., Ferguson, N., and Guven, E., “Phased Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Aircraft Deicing Fluid and Sludge: Propionaldehyde as Intermediate,” Water Environment Federation 73rd. Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 14-18, 14 pp.
(2000) Yerkes, D., Zitomer, D. H., and Speece, R. E., “The Role of Toxic Substances in Odor Release from Anaerobic Systems,” Water Environment Federation 73rd. Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, October 14-18, 5 pp.
(1999) Zitomer, D. H., Ferguson, N., McGrady, K., and Schilling, J., "Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Aircraft Deicing Runoff and Municipal Wastewater Sludge," Proceedings of Water Environment Federation 72nd. Annual Conference, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Research, vol. 2, 16 pp.
(1998) Zitomer, D. H., and Shrout, J. D., "Fluidized Bed Reactors Under Limited Aeration: Methanogen Activity and Low Alkalinity Requirements," Proceedings of Water Environment Federation 71st. Annual Conference, Wastewater Treatment Research, Municipal Wastewater vol. 1, pp 419-424.
(1998) Zitomer, D. H., and Shrout, J. D., "Limited Aeration of Methanogenic Systems for Treatment of Sulfate-Containing Wastewater," Proceedings of American Society of Civil Engineers 1998 Conference on Environmental Engineering, Chicago, Ill, June, 6 pp.
(1998) Zitomer, D. H., Hartman, W. A., and Parrillo, J. P. F., "Trace Nutrients for Enhanced Activated Sludge Settleability," In Proceedings of the Technical Assoc. of Pulp and Paper Institute International Environmental Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 5-8, 9 pp.
(1997) Zitomer, D. H., and Shrout, J. D., "Kinetics of COD Biotransformation Under Methanogenic, Limited-Aeration Conditions," Proceedings of Water Environment Federation 70th. Annual Conference, Municipal Wastewater Treatment Research, vol. 1, pp. 53 - 62.
(1997) Zitomer, D. H., and Shrout, J. D., "Feasibility and Benefits of Methanogenesis Under Oxygen-Limited Conditions," Proceedings of the 52nd. Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, May, 11 pp.
(1997) Demirer, G. N. , Duran, M., Zitomer, D. H., and Speece R. E., "Anaerobic Biotechnology for Industrial Wastewater Treatment," Proceedings of the Second National Turkish Chamber of Environmental Engineers Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, December 3-4, 5 pp.
(1994) Zitomer, D. H., and Speece, R. E., "Toxicity Response of an Excess Biological Phosphorus Removing Culture," Proceedings of the 49th. Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, May, pp. 481-488.
(1990) Zitomer, D. H., and Speece, R. E., "Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships: New Tools for Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater", Proceedings of the Twenty Second Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, July, pp.626-644.