SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2017) Bhattad, U., Venkiteshwaran, K., Keerthi, C., Maki, J., and Zitomer, D., “Activity of Methanogenic Biomass after Heat and Freeze-Drying in Air,” Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 3, 462-471.
(2017) Venkiteshwaran, K., Milferdest, K., Hamelin, J., Fujimoto, M., Johnson, M., and Zitomer D., “Correlating Methane Production to Microbiota in Anaerobic Digesters fed Synthetic Wastewater,” Wat. Res., 110, pp. 161-169.
(2016) Venkiteshwaran, K., Milferdest, K., Hamelin, J., and Zitomer D., “Anaerobic Digester Bioaugmentation Influences Quasi Steady State Performance and Microbial Community,” Wat. Res., 104, pp. 128-136.
(2016) Carey, D., E., Zitomer, D. H., Kappell, A. D., Choi, M. J., Hristova, K. R., and McNamara, P. J., “Chronic Exposure to Triclosan Sustains Microbial Community Shifts and Alters Antibiotic Resistance Gene Levels in Anaerobic Digesters,” Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 18, pp. 1060-1067.
(2016) McNamara, P., Koch, J., Liu, Z., and Zitomer, D., “Pyrolysis of Dried Wastewater Biosolids can be Energy Positive,” Wat. Environ. Res., 88(9), pp. 804-810.
(2016) Hoffman, T. C., Zitomer, D. H., and McNamara, P. J., “Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids Significantly Reduces Estrogenicity, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 317, pp. 579-584.
(2016) Seib, M. D., Berg, K. J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Low Energy Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Municipal Wastewater Treatment,” Journal of Membrane Science, 514, pp. 450-457.
(2016) Seib, M. D., Berg, K. J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Influent Wastewater Microbiota and Temperature Influence Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Microbial Community,” Bioresource Technology, 216, pp. 446-452.
(2016) Seib, M. D., Berg, K. J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Reduced Energy Demand for Municipal Wastewater Recovery Using an Anaerobic Floating Filter Membrane Bioreactor,” Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2, pp. 290-297.
(2016) Venkiteshwaran, K., Bocher, B., Maki, J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Relating Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Community and Process Function,” Microbiol. Insights,8(S2), pp. 37-44.
(2016) Morris, R., Tale, V., Mathai, P., Zitomer, D., and Maki, J., “mcrA Gene Abundance Correlates with Methane Production Rates in Anaerobic Biomass from Full-Scale Waste Treatment Systems,” Letters in Applied Microbiology, 62(2), 111-118.
(2015) Ross, J., Zitomer, D., Weirich, C., Miller, T., and McNamara, P., “Pyrolysis Removes Common Microconstituents Triclocarban, Triclosan, and Nonylphenol from Biosolids,” Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., in press.
(2015) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., Hristova, K., Kappell, A., and McNamara, P., “Triclocarban Influences Antibiotic Resistance and Alters Anaerobic Digester Microbial Community Structure,” Environmental Science and Technology, in press.
(2015) Morris, R., Tale, V., Mathai, P., Zitomer, D., and Maki, J., “mcrA Gene Abundance Correlates with Methane Production Rates in Anaerobic Biomass from Full-Scale Waste Treatment Systems,” Letters in Applied Microbiology (in press).
(2015) Jimenez, J., Latrille, E., Hamand, J., Robles, A., Ferrer, J., Gaida, D., Wolf, C., Mairet, F., Bernard, O., Alcaraz-Gonzalez, V., Mendez-Acosta, H., Zitomer, D., Totzke, D., Spanjers, H., Jacobi, F., Guwy, A., Dinsdale, R., Premier, G., Mazhegrane, S., Ruiz-Filippi, G., Seco, A., Ribeiro, T., Pauss, A., and Steyer, J-P., “Instrumentation and Control of Anaerobic Digestion Processes: A Review and Some Research Challenges, Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology, in press.
(2015) Williams, A., Mayer, B. and Zitomer, D. “Ion Exchange-Precipitation for Nutrient Recovery from Dilute Wastewaters,” Environmental Science: Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 1, 832-838.
(2015) Mathai, P. P., Zitomer, D. H., and Maki, J. S., “Quantitative Detection of Syntrophic Fatty Acid Degrading Bacterial Communities In Methanogenic Environments,” Microbiology, 161, 1189-1197.
(2015) Carey, D. E., McNamara, P. J., and Zitomer, D. H., “Biochar From Pyrolysis of Bioslids for Nutrient Adsorption and Turfgrass Cultivation,” Wat. Environ. Res., in press.
(2015) Tale, V. P., Maki, J. S., and Zitomer, D. H., “Bioaugmentation of Overloaded Anaerobic Digesters Restores Function and Archaeal Community,” Wat. Res., 70, 138-147.
(2015) Bocher, B. T. W., Cherukuri, K., Maki, J. S., Johnson, M., and Zitomer, D. H. “Relating Methanogen Community Structure and Anaerobic Digester Function,” Wat. Res., 70, 425-435.
(2014) Albert, R. A., Zitomer, D. H., Dollhopf, M., Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., Struble, C., King, M., Son, S., Langler, S., and Busse, H-. J., “Proposal of Vibriomonas magnilimnohabitans gen. nov., sp. nov., A Novel, Curved Gram Negative Bacterium Isolated from Lake Michigan Water,” Inter. J. Syst. Evol. Micro., 64, 613-620.
(2013) Morris, R. L., Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., Bhattad, U., Kearney, C., Struble, C, Zitomer, D. H., and Maki, J. S., "Methyl Coenzyme M Reductase (mcrA) Gene Abundance Correlates with Activity Measurements of Methanogenic H2/CO2 Enriched Anaerobic Biomass,” Microbial Biotechnology.
(2011) Tale, V. P., Maki, J. S., Struble, C. A., and Zitomer, D. H., “Methanogen Community Structure-Activity Relationship and Bioaugmentation of Overloaded Anaerobic Digesters,” Wat. Res., 45(16), pp. 5249-5256.
(2011) Navaneethan, N., Topczewski, P., Royer, S., and Zitomer, D. “Blending Anaerobic Co-Digestates: Synergism and Economics,” Wat. Sci. Tech., 63(12), 2916-2922.
(2010) Schauer-Gimenez, A. E., Zitomer, D. H., Maki, J. S., and Struble, C. A., “Bioaugmentation for Improved Recovery of Anaerobic Digesters After Toxicant Exposure,” Wat. Res. 44, pp. 3555-3564.
(2008) Borg, J.P. and Zitomer, D. H., “Dual-Team Model for International Service-Learning in Engineering: Remote Solar Water Pumping in Guatemala,” Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice ASCE, 134(2), pp. 178-185.
(2008) Zitomer, D. H., Adhikari, P., Heisel, C., and Dineen, D., “Municipal Anaerobic Digesters for Co-Digestion, Energy Recovery and GHG Reductions," Wat. Environ. Res. 80,(3), pp. 229-237.
(2008) Zitomer, D. H., Johnson, C. C., and Speece, R. E., Metal Stimulation and Municipal Digester Thermophilic/Mesophilic Activity,” Journal of Environmental Engineering ASCE, 134(1), pp. 42-47.
(2007) Zitomer, D. H., Burns, R. T., Duran, M., and Vogel, D. S., “Effect of Sanitizers, Rumensin and Temperature on Anaerobic Digester Biomass,” Biosystems Engineering, 50(5), pp. 1807-1813.
(2007) Zitomer, D H., Duran, M., Albert, R. and Guven, E., “Thermophilic Aerobic Granular Biomass for Enhanced Settleability,” Wat. Res., 41,pp. 819-825.
(2006) Duran, M., Haznedaroglu, B. Z., and Zitomer D. H., “Microbial Source Tracking Using Host Specific FAME Profiles of Fecal Coliforms,” Wat. Res., 40, pp. 67-74.
(2005) Haznedaroglu, B. Z., Zitomer, D. H., Hughs-Strange, G. B., and Duran, M., “Whole-Cell Fatty Acid Composition of Total Coliforms to Predict Sources of Fecal Contamination,” ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering. 131(10), pp.1426-1432.
(2005) Zitomer, D. H., Bachman, T. C., and Vogel, D. S., “Thermophilic Anaerobic Digester with Ultrafilter for Solids Stabilization,” Wat. Sci. Tech., 52(1-2), pp.525-530.
(2003) Corsi, S., Zitomer, D., Field, J., and Concilla, D., “Nonylphenol Ethoxylates and Other Additives in Aircraft Deicers, Anti-icers, and Waters Receiving Airport Runoff,” Environ. Sci. Tech., 37(18), pp. 4031-4037.
(2003) Zitomer, D. H., Gabor, M., and Johnson, P., “Bridge Construction in Guatemala: Linking Social Issues and Engineering, “ASCE Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 129(3), pp. 143-150.
(2003) Zitomer, D. H., and Ubay, G., "Propylene Glycol ADF Biodegradation Kinetics: Comparison of Anaerobic CMSTR, Filter, and Fluidized Bed," ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 129(2), pp. 123-129.
(2002) Zitomer, D. H., Ferguson, N., McGrady, K., and Schilling, J., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Aircraft Deicing Runoff and Municipal Wastewater Sludge,” Water Environment Research, 73(6), pp. 645-654.
(2000) Zitomer, D. H., Owens, D., and Speece, R. E., “Methanethiol as an Indicator of Toxicity in Anaerobic Treatment,” Water Science and Technology, 42(5), pp. 231-235.
(2000) Zitomer, D. H., and Shrout, J. D., "High Sulfate, High COD Wastewater Treatment Using Aerated Methanogenic Fluidized Beds, "Water Environment Research, (72)1, pp.90-97.
(1998) Zitomer, D.H., and Shrout, J. D., "Feasibility and Benefits of Methanogenesis Under Oxygen-Limited Conditions," Waste Management, 18, pp. 107-116.
(1998) Zitomer, D. H., "Stoichiometry of Combined Aerobic and Methanogenic COD Transformation," Wat. Res., 32(3), pp. 669 - 676.
(1998) Novotny, V., Muehring, D., Zitomer, D. H., Smith, D. W., and Facey, R. "Cyanide and Metal Pollution by Urban Snowmelt: Impact of Deicing Compounds," Water Science and Technology, 38 (1), pp. 223-230.
(1995) Zitomer, D. H., and Speece, R. E., "Methanethiol in Nonacclimated Sewage Sludge After Addition of Chloroform and Other Toxicants,"Environmental Science and Technology, 29, pp.762-768.
(1993) Zitomer, D. H., and Speece, R. E., "Sequential Environments for Enhanced Biotransformation of Aqueous Contaminants," Environmental Science and Technology, 27(2), pp. 226-244.