SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2017) Liu, Z., Singer, S., Zitomer, D., and McNamara, P., “Biochar from Wastewater Biosolids: Solids Management to Advance Sustainable Communities, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Research and Education Conference, June 20-22, Ann Arbor, MI.
(2016) Benn, N., Zitomer, D., Schauer-Gimenez, A., and Morse, M. “Biomethane production from anaerobically digested bioplastics,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 18-19, Madison, WI.
(2016) Peters, P. and Zitomer, D. “Advanced High-Rate Wet Weather Treatment,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 18-19, Madison, WI.
(2016) Liu, Z., Wendtland, M., Anderson, J. Kissel, J., McNamara, P. and Zitomer, D., “Biochar Production and Bio-oil Upgrading by Synergistic Catalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater biosolids,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 18-19, Madison, WI.
(2015) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., and McNamara, P., “Isolating the Impact of Triclocarban on Antibiotic Resistance in Anaerobic Digesters,” Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors Research and Education Conference, New Haven, CT, June 13-16.
(2015) Zitomer, D., “Benefits of Collaborative Research: WEP and Biosolids Pyrolysis,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 18-20, Oak Brook, IL.
(2014) Hoffman, T., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “Removal of Environmental Estrogenic Micropollutants from Wastewater Solids,” Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 27 – October 1.
(2013) Carey, D., Zitomer, D., McNamara, P., “How Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Can Arise in Wastewater Treatment,” Forward Thinking Poster Session and Colloquy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, December 3.
(2013) Kusowksi, J.A., Zitomer, D. H., Graziano, S. J., Desing, W. E., Whitlock, D. D., and Sigmund, T. W., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion Planning and Research for the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 14-17, Madison, WI.
(2013) Carey, D., McNamara, P., and Zitomer, D., “Biosolids-Derived Biochar as an Adsorbent for Ammonium and Phosphate from Wastewater,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 14-17, Madison, WI.
(2012) Bocher, B. T. W. and Zitomer, D. H., “Optimizing Microbial Community Structure in Anaerobic Digesters to Produce More Methane,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 14-17, St. Charles, IL.
(2012) Navaratnam, N. and Zitomer, D. H., “Anaerobic Co-Digestion Increases Net Biogas Production by Increasing Microbial Activity,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 14-17, St. Charles, IL.
(2012) Venkiteshwaran, K. and Zitomer, D. H., “Bioaugmentation of Anaerobic Digesters can Increase CH4 Production and COD Removal,” Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 14-17, St. Charles, IL.
(2010) Novotny, V., and Zitomer, D. H., “From Linear to Cyclic Urban Metabolism – Towards Integrated Resource Recovery from Used Water and Solids,” Joint Energy & Sustainability Specialty Seminar & Exhibit, New England Water Environment Association, October 19-20, Hyannis, MA
(2010) Navaneethan, N., Topczewski, P., Royer, S., and Zitomer, D. “Anaerobic Co-Digestion for Increased Renewable Energy,” Central States Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Madison, WI. (winner of 2011 Radebaugh Award)
(2004) Zitomer, D.H., Lynch, D., and Kemp, J., “Thermophilic-Mesophilic Digestion: Occurrence of High VFAs,” 77th Annual Meeting of the Central States Water Environment Association, May 16-19, Madison, WI. (winner of 2008 Radebaugh Award)
(2004) Zitomer, D. H., Mayotte, J. A., and Timberlake, B., “Service Learning: Engaging Across Difficult Divides,” Pedagogies of Engagement: New Designs for Learning in and Across the Disciplines, Association of American Colleges and Universities, April 15-17, 2004, Chicago, IL.
(2003) Corsi, S. R. , Zitomer, D. H., Field, J. A., and Cancilla, D. A., “Nonylphenol Ethoxylates in Aircraft Deicers, Anti-icers, and Waters Receiving Airport Runoff,” in Proceedings of The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 24th. Annual Meeting in North America, 9 - 13 November 2003, Austin, Texas.