SECTIONS (Click section below to view)

(2005) Zitomer, D. H., and Adhikari, P., “Municipal Anaerobic Digesters as Regional Renewable Energy Facilities,” for State of Wisconsin, Focus on Energy Renewable energy Program, Research and Development, May.
(2001) Zitomer, D. H., “Assessment of Innovative Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Biological Anaerobic Treatment,” for Earth Tech, Inc.
(1998) Zitomer, D. H., Deicing Runoff Treatability: Evaluation of Anaerobic Digestion, for Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and Mitchell Airport, November 13th.
(1997) Zitomer, D. H., Trace Nutrients for Enhanced Sludge Settleability, for P. H. Glatfelter Company, Neenah, Wisconsin, September 22nd.
(1992) Zitomer, D. H., Investigation of DDX Biodegradation: Final Report, for Rohm and Haas Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 7th.
(1991) Zitomer, D. H., Anaerobic, Anoxic, and Aerobic Sequential Environments for Conventional Wastewater Treatment and Toxicity Reduction, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master of Science degree.